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‘Big five’ education challenges: Ensuring all children get the best start in life

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4 May 2021 - How do we give all children the best possible start to life?

What does high quality early childhood education and care look like and how do we ensure all children are able to access it?

These are big challenges needing even bigger solutions.

And they have never been more pressing than in the current state of the world, with the COVID-19 crisis severely disrupting children’s education and learning across the globe.

In the lead-up to the fourth session of a ground-breaking webinar series entitled ‘The Big Five Challenges in Education in a Changed World’, ALNF Co-Founder, Mary-Ruth Mendel, has co-authored an article examining the progress that has been made so far in ensuring children get the best possible start to life.

Together with Dr. Dan Cloney, Senior Research Fellow at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and Myra Geddes of Goodstart Early Learning, the three early childhood and education specialists navigate these all-important questions and discuss how we can achieve the required targets to ensure equitable and quality early childhood education and care for all Australian children.

To read the full article in Teacher Magazine, please click here.