We are helping to create brighter futures through literacy and education.


Breakfast Library

Kids sitting on the ground reading a book and eating apples together

Program overview

The Breakfast Library is an innovative and in-demand program that supplies children and young people with a regular, healthy breakfast to promote good nutrition and enhance health and wellbeing, whilst boosting their literacy development by providing access to high-quality and inspiring children’s literature.

The program has built exciting partnerships with remote, rural and urban schools and communities, transforming the literacy outcomes and well-being of young Australians across the nation.

A key component to the success of the program is that schools are in control of the food selected for their unique cohort of students taking into consideration cultural and social needs, resulting in zero food waste and increased engagement from the community.

The program has also been recognised as an Outstanding School Initiative at the NSW Minister’s and Secretary’s Award for Excellence.

“The Breakfast Library is a place of inclusivity, where students can sit in a casual relaxed atmosphere, enjoy some delicious food, socialise with peers, and read or have a story read to them. All of these elements have our students return day after day."

Assistant Principal

Western Sydney, NSW

Why it matters

The initiative powerfully addresses two significant roadblocks that children experience to learning and thriving at school- hunger and transgenerational literacy challenges.

Literacy is one of the most important indicators of future health, well-being, and prosperity. It is a vital component of the program which aims to set children up for an effective day of learning whilst also creating engaging opportunities for literacy and language development in an informal setting.

For many students coming from non-English speaking and other vulnerable backgrounds, this offers a wonderful opportunity to access new and inspiring reading material, to be read to and to engage with exciting, culturally sensitive literature outside of a formal classroom environment.

ALNF is committed to ensuring that the Breakfast Library also strengthens community ties. Where suitable, parents and community members are encouraged to attend the program to eat and read with their children.

Expression of interest

If you would like more information about the Breakfast Library program, please contact us using the form below.

Breakfast Library Resources

If your school or learning centre is currently participating in the Breakfast Library program, you are welcome to download and use the resources found in the Breakfast Library kit below to help promote the program in your school and local community.