Australian Literacy & Numeracy Foundation's Terms & Conditions
Fundraising Terms & Conditions
I/We agree to act and comply with best practice concerning fundraising in my state. I/We confirm that this event:
Is in no way detrimental to the health and wellbeing of participants.
In addition:
I/We accept responsibility for this event, and agree that this is not an event run by ALNF.
I/We will not use ALNF logos without approval from ALNF.
I/We will seek approval from ALNF regarding all promotional materials before producing and/or distributing such materials.
ALNF is/will not be responsible for any expenses, fees or other financial requirements resulting from the organisation and running of this event.
All administrative tasks will be my/our responsibility unless previously agreed with ALNF.
Any insurance, licences or permits necessary for the fundraiser/event are my/our sole responsibility.
ALNF is not liable for the event and bears no responsibility for any loss, damage or liability for injuries caused or associated with the said event.
No direct contact will be made with any corporate partners or sponsors working with ALNF for event related assistance, without prior approval from ALNF.
ALNF will issue tax-deductible receipts for donations only as stipulated by the Australian Taxation Office.